civic duty

美 [ˈsɪvɪk ˈduːti]英 [ˈsɪvɪk ˈdjuːti]
  • 公民义务
civic dutycivic duty


the responsibilities of a citizen
Synonym: civic responsibility


  1. Civic duty ? And you think you 're gonna get away with this ?


  2. That 's right , it 's my civic duty , isn 't it ?


  3. The researchers say these changes raise questions about the civic duty of public education .


  4. Many lament that young Italians feel little sense of civic duty .


  5. It 's my civic duty to report it , don 't you think ?


  6. It 's our civic duty to plant trees .


  7. It 's not only a hard earned right , it 's also your civic duty .


  8. I feel it is my civic duty to vote .


  9. Young patriots like Preston teach all of us about our civic duty as Americans .


  10. Empowers people to fulfill their civic duty .


  11. Saturn also rules over karma , cause and effect , ethics , and our sense of civic duty .


  12. In the Constitution , the constitutional re-education through labor system is based on the norms of civic duty .


  13. Thus work for women , married or single , was not only approved , it was regarded as a civic duty .


  14. Because no matter what your political affiliations are , you have a civic duty to vote .


  15. Mr. Cook , who has called privacy a civic duty , said as much in a letter to Apple customers on Tuesday .


  16. Therefore , civic duty to build modem democratic society names civic right , and to carry on the right is the duty for citizens .


  17. Andrejs Salaks , an accountant , says it is a question of civic duty .


  18. She felt it was her civic duty to give the police the names of the youths who had vandalized the bus shelter .


  19. Capricorn rules over professionalism , leadership , goals and aspirations , success , civic duty , public recognition , and earning the respect of our peers .


  20. The Americans are stuffier and more cautious . But they are also more careful and take the idea of journalism as a civic duty much more seriously .


  21. More recent theorists have suggested that voting confers the " psychic benefits " ( also known as a feeling of well-being ) of performing a civic duty .


  22. Volunteers through participating in volunteer work , have the opportunity for the society , made-in-hong-kong do us a civic duty and obligation . 2 it is abundant life experience .


  23. Our public interest depends on private character , on civic duty and family bonds and basic fairness , on uncounted , unhonored acts of decency which give direction to our freedom .


  24. The government , after all , can do the thinking for us . Our sense of civic duty to engage in public debate and critical thinking is lost except unfortunately for issues that affect our pockets .


  25. Although military service may be unpopular in South Korea , the public expects all men to fulfill their civic duty and harshly judges those who do not . ( Women are not required to serve . )


  26. The explosion of volunteerism was hailed as a watershed moment for civil society in China , a country where civic duty and social responsibility have long taken a back seat to personal achievement and the accumulation of wealth .


  27. Her father , Asa Coleman Lee , was a prominent lawyer and the model for Atticus Finch , who shared his stilted diction and lofty sense of civic duty .


  28. In April , they will begin holding weekly lotteries in which 60 top-range cars a year will be offered as prizes to consumers who do their civic duty by asking caf é s , restaurants , car mechanics and other businesses for receipts that include their personal tax number .


  29. In April , they will begin holding weekly lotteries in which 60 " top-range cars " a year will be offered as prizes to consumers who do their civic duty by asking caf é s , restaurants , car mechanics and other businesses for receipts that include their personal tax number .


  30. Civic right and duty have both legal and ethical meaning .
